The last date for submitting the abstracts has been extended to February 20, 2019.
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations should be sent to the e-mail address as an MS-WORD document file using this template.
The last date for submitting the abstracts is February 14, 2019.
E-mail intimation for invited talks will be sent to authors whose abstracts are selected for Invited Talks 20 (17+3 min). The presentation schedule will be updated soon in the program schedule page.
Guidelines for Poster preparation:
The poster should be prepared and printed in a ‘Portrait Format’ dimensions [42 inch (106.7 cm) by 36 inches (90 cm)] keeping around 1-inch margins/borders on each side of the poster.
As a general guideline, the poster should be self-explanatory, even in the absence of the author. It is advised to divide the contents of each poster into introduction, results and conclusions/ summary. Moreover, the poster should be legible from a distance of 2-3 meters. Therefore, please maintain a legible font and size. Please use colours, symbols and schemes for clarity.
The posters will be numbered according to the serial number as mentioned in the abstract book and poster number will be mounted by the volunteers.
The author’s name, address and the title of the poster should be indicated on the top section of the poster.
Writing or painting on the poster board is not allowed.